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5 SEO Best Practices for B2B
Mariam Zaidan
October 7, 2022
Mariam is a Marketing Executive at Hovi Digital Lab. Her dream is to become an influencer in the Marketing world that others can come to for ideas, strategies, and food. Social, digital, cakes, and cookies, Mariam’s got you covered.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of taking steps to help a website or piece of content rank higher on search engines organically. Organic search is the most prominent way for people to discover and access online content. Your website must be optimized to be easily found within search results, leading to more traffic, leads, and conversions. We’ll be going through 5 B2B SEO best practices right here so you can rank high like never before.

You Should Care About SEO Best Practices

When you run search engine optimization, you’re trying to get your website to appear at the top of search engines like Google for the terms relating to your product.

If you sell baby products, you may want your e-commerce site to rank high when people search for “baby strollers.” 

SEO is a critical part of any business’s digital marketing success. It helps consumers find your business organically.

For example, let’s say you wrote an article about “vegan lasagna,” and someone searched for “vegan lasagna” on Google. You would like that person to find your recipe; for that to happen, you need to rank above all the other websites with vegan lasagna recipes. Not easy, but worth it; and you’re going to need SEO best practices to get there.

The Benefits of SEO:

1- It helps boost your credibility: SEO helps you attract visitors, increase leads, and move your online business forward. In other words: It helps boost your credibility. A site that ranks high in search engine results is usually considered high-quality and trustworthy by search engines, which directly increases your business’s credibility. If you are at the bottom of search engine results pages (SERPs), people may not find you. If they do, they will think that you lack credibility and expertise in the industry. Businesses tend to choose someone with a more solid online presence and a better reputation.

2- It Gives You a Competitive Advantage: Not investing in SEO will allow your competitors to dominate the digital space and the market. Google is the world’s most widely used search engine, with over 50% of the market share. Those who rank highly on Google will get 90%+ of all traffic, so you cannot afford not to be there. Being on top of search engines means there is a high probability for prospective customers to find your website, and they may become leads and eventually turn into customers

3- SEO helps establish brand awareness: Search Engine Optimization and Brand Awareness are two sides of the same coin. SEO ensures that your business is easily found by remaining at the top of search engine result pages. Expose your brand organically, establish brand awareness, and watch conversions increase.

4- SEO is the primary source of leads: For your business to succeed, finding ways to acquire new leads is critical. Search engine optimization will provide the most effective, low-cost way to extend your reach. Suppose you are not generating new leads from your SEO tactics. In that case, it’s time to take a closer look at your actions and ensure you are targeting the right people through relevant keywords. The most important source of leads is SEO. When people search on Google, they want to find what they need ASAP and click on the first link. If that’s you, they’re going to buy it!

Five B2B SEO Best Practices:

1- Improve your page’s loading speed

Your web page speed is one of the main factors influencing your website ranking. If your website load time is slow, it will hurt your ranking and ultimately kill your website traffic. Page loading speed is essential for website ranking, so if it is slow, you’re in trouble. 

2- Produce high-quality content

You need high-quality, recent, and relevant content to become more visible online and increase your search engine rankings. If you haven’t touched your content since you built your website, most likely, the content there is not relevant anymore. One of the most powerful tactics that affect SEO is dwell time. If you have exciting, new, flavorful, and funny content on your website, people will stay on your page for longer and thus increase your web page’s SEO. In addition, make sure to optimize your images, start a blog and add more than just text (video, image, audio) and use infographics

3- Optimize your site for mobile

Mobile is continuously rising, and you will fall back if you don’t optimize for it. Over 60% of Google searches come from mobile. If your website is not optimized, this will hinder your user experience, thus affecting your ranking.

4- Use keywords appropriately

Keywords are critical but use them wisely. If you over-stuff your headings with keywords, this can negatively affect your rankings. Use long-tail keywords where possible, as these typically get more traffic than short-head terms. Don’t just use the words “laptop,” for example, since someone else might use the word “gaming laptop” in their search queries. Write a descriptive title and meta description using your target keywords so that people can find the content they need to see.

5- Get your brand out there

Branding is a big part of SEO. The more brand awareness you develop, the more people will visit your website. Start by being active on social media and posting things that will encourage followers to share your information; this will help increase traffic to your website. Join the question-and-answer sites and compose well-written answers to questions that don’t have many answers. Get interviewed by people who will link back to your site when relevant. 

If you don’t have a strong brand yet, it is time to start! Reach out to Hovi’s experts and get the help you’re looking for to elevate your brand’s digital reach.

Good Luck!

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