photo of someone making a sales call
How to Have an Effective Sales Call
Rami El-Hajjar
August 12, 2022
Rami is the resident content generator, consumer, and reviewer at Hovi Digital Lab. He has a lot of passion for creating content and that is where he sees himself producing the most. “He’s super duper, totally amazingly awesome” that’s what he told us to write when we asked for his input. And he actually has a point.

We’ve all heard the stories of that one salesperson who had an effective sales call and got promoted to vice president, and we’ve also heard the horror stories of a bad sales call that prompted your client to cancel the contract. Let’s talk about how to have an effective sales call to convert more leads into more sales and more revenue for your company, so you can be the next VP in line.

Be Prepared For Anything

It’s essential to prepare for anything. You never know when someone will ask you something like, “Is there any way we can get our hands on this product immediately?” or “What does your company do?” or even, “I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to pass.”

The first step to having an effective sales call is being ready for any possible objection, question, or situation during the call. Start planning out different options based on what happens during the call to know exactly how you will respond before they happen. Prepare responses if they say no or end the call early because they think they might buy later but not now (this has happened before, and it will happen again).

Being able to anticipate anything is vital in succeeding with sales calls. The prep time allows salespeople time to prepare themselves mentally and emotionally beforehand to avoid getting caught off guard by random things people throw at them during their conversations.

Effective Sales Call Need Research

The most important thing you can do before your next sales call is to research the prospect. It doesn’t matter if you have been doing the same work for 20 years and have a proven track record because it’s all about what your prospect needs. If you don’t know what they need, how will you be able to provide it to them?

You can’t know how to make an effective sales call without knowing what you’re selling. Couple that with knowing everything there is to know about your prospect and their organization. Learn who they are as individuals. Understand their job functions. Check what their hobbies are and where they like to hang out. Sharpen your edge in the conversation to connect and build a better relationship with any prospect.

Establish Trust

Establishing trust is one of the most critical aspects of your effective sales call. Without it, you risk wasting time and effort by getting prospects to open up to you, only to be left hanging when it comes down to closing the deal.

Your first step in establishing trust is being honest and trustworthy — be straight with your prospect about how much money they can expect to make from working with you over time, what their responsibilities will be, etc. It’s also essential to provide solid evidence that what you’re offering works (either through case studies or other documentation).

Another way to build trust is by being helpful and showing empathy. If a prospect has questions or concerns about something related to their business or life outside of work, listen closely, and let them feel heard instead of being told what they need.

Present a Solution, Not a Pitch

A sales call is not a pitch. Knowing how to have an effective sales call is not the same as knowing how to give a great pitch. It’s not an attempt to get people interested in what you have to offer; it’s an opportunity to identify their needs and present a solution. When meeting with potential buyers, prepare yourself by taking notes on the conversation and preparing your presentation so that it addresses the specific issues that cause you concern regarding the sale.

Prepare for questions like: “What are the benefits of this product?” and “Do I need this?” Make sure you’re ready for these questions before contacting potential clients or customers, or else they could derail your entire sales process!

Listen to Your Prospect

  • Listen to what the prospect is saying.
  • Listen to what the prospect is not saying.
  • Listen to the prospect’s tone of voice, body language, and questions.

A Compelling Sales Call Engages the Prospect in a Conversation That Can Help Solve Their Problem.

To have an impactful sales call, you need to know the problem your prospect is trying to solve. How do you figure out what their problem is? Ask. It’s as simple as that. Don’t assume that your product can solve all of a prospect’s problems; it probably can’t. Ask them how they plan to use the product and what results they want from it instead.

The best way to show how your product can help them is by having thoughtful conversations around their pain points and needs rather than just talking about your product’s features or benefits in general terms.

In Closing

Sales calls are great for getting to know your prospect and understanding their needs. It’s also a great way to make an impact before conducting in-depth research on their company or product.

If you’re interested in honing and elevating your sales skills, reach out, and let’s see how Hovi can help you and your team to start consistently crushing your targets!

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