Inbound Marketing Strategy: 15 Ways to Accelerate Your Growth
Dany Fawaz
November 16, 2021
Dany is one of Hovi's front-liners helping clients elevate their growth strategies as our Lead for the Digital Project Manager Team. He's a big Liverpool FC fan and doesn't miss a game. He's been all over the globe, so he'll be able to help accelerate your growth and the best spots in every town.

An Inbound Marketing Strategy draws in visitors and potential customers to your website and drives conversions. This differs from many other marketing strategies that are often more about outwardly pushing a brand and its image, values, and products out into the world. We’ll talk more about what inbound marketing means below, but in short, it allows businesses to approach things differently by using a range of digital marketing channels to attract people’s attention in creative ways. It’s all about driving quality traffic to your website and reaping the rewards of achieving that.

Here are 15 powerful ways for you to improve your inbound marketing strategy and start increasing the quality and quantity of your website traffic as well as your digital conversions.

How to Improve Your Inbound Marketing Strategy

Inbound marketing is about using a variety of strategies and channels to attract potential customers to your website. Many different things go into creating an inbound marketing strategy that produces the results you’re looking for. Below, we have 15 examples that’ll show you what your strategy should look like.

1. Redesign Your Website Carefully

First, take some time to think about the design of your website. Your website’s appearance, function, and performance will impact your inbound marketing success.

You may succeed in attracting more people to your website, but if they really don’t like what they see when they get there, it all will have been for nothing. Think about redesigning your website and ensuring it does all the things a modern website in your niche needs to do for its visitors. Whether providing quality content for them to consume, showcasing your work, or quickly booking a demo, your website needs to be catered toward bringing in quality traffic and converting that traffic.

 2. Integrate Tag Manager and Analytics Into Your Website

If you’re going to improve the traffic and the quality of the traffic flowing towards your site, you need to have analytics tools in place. This will allow you to measure successes and see where improvements still need to be made. As a part of these attempts to improve your website analytics, use Google Tag Manager. It allows you to measure your ROI and manage HTML and Javascript tags used for tracking visitor interactions and analytics.

 3. Choose Your Inbound Marketing Platform Wisely

There are many tools and platforms that can be used to help you with your inbound marketing efforts. These should most definitely be used. Remember to choose carefully at the same time. These are big and important decisions.

Platforms like HubSpot, Unbounce, Sumo, Wistia, and OneSignal, among many others, can help you with the various aspects of crafting a successful inbound marketing strategy that gets more people wanting to visit your website and learn more about your business.

4. Create Your Buyer Personas – A Must for Any Inbound Marketing Strategy

Buyer personas are the personas of the target customers you have in mind. They’re fictionalized customers that possess the characteristics of your business’s ideal customer. Each business will have its own ideal customer depending on its offering. It’s an important part of your marketing strategy and should follow market research. It’s not simply about plucking characteristics out of the air. You need to base your buyer personas on what you know about your audience and who your products or services appeal to and target.

5. Create Educational Blog Content for Your Buyer Personas

When you have your buyer personas set in stone and know who you’re crafting your content for, you should start creating blog content for them. One great way to draw people in is to give content that informs and educates your personas in some way. Identify what your ideal customers want to learn more about and help facilitate that learning through your blog content. People will visit your website if they know they’ll learn something valuable and important.

In other words, be a valuable source of knowledge, and you will organically create more quality traffic as prospects gravitate to your domain.

6. Choose the Most Relevant Distribution Channels

There are many ways to promote your content. So, consider the distribution channels that are most relevant and most likely to be successful for your business. This will, of course, depend on which target customers and demographics you’re aiming to draw in. There are plenty of social media options to consider if you want to get your content noticed. Survey them all and see which you think will lead to the kinds of results you’re looking for. Once you’ve done that, you can start using the most valuable social platform according to your personas.

7. Make the Most of Blogger Outreach Options

Blogger outreach can be important when you’re looking to get your business more recognized in the wider market. It’s about working with bloggers to help craft authentic content that people will respond to. That content will promote your product or brand, helping to increase your business’s visibility and to get more people interested in following those links and checking out your business for themselves. It’s an incredibly effective strategy that can be used by various businesses.

8. Create a Lead Nurturing Strategy

Lead nurturing is the process of developing solid and helpful relationships with buyers. This is done at each and every stage of the buying process, helping to facilitate more of those purchases in the long term. All businesses selling online should try to do it, even if many of them are not doing so just yet. It’s about listening to the needs of those customers and providing them with the answers and information they require to feel comfortable making a purchase.

 9. Start Using Lead Scoring

Lead scoring is about ranking leads to determine how ready they are to make a purchase. It’s decided by how much interest they show in your business, how they might fit your business, and what you’re looking to sell.

It makes a business’s sales efforts more efficient because salespeople can focus on hot leads that are most likely to result in sales in the near future. Demographic attributes, industry, clicks, email opens, and website visits are all used.

 10. Pay for Retargeting Ads

Retargeting ads are specifically targeted at people who have already visited your website. They’re useful because you can create a marketing funnel & you target people according to where he is in the funnel. It’s much more focused and successful because you’re not throwing adverts into the dark.

Facebook Ad retargeting is one way of approaching this that many people use. You’ll be able to draw people back in and ideally make more sales.

11. Host Your Own Webinars on Your Website

Webinars can be fantastic at driving traffic to your website. People want to get value from the content they consume online, and if they know they’re going to find valuable things from viewing your webinar, they’ll be more than happy to do so.

You can drive traffic from social media, email marketing, your blog, and plenty of other sources when you’re looking to promote your webinar. It’s an excellent option to consider if you want to increase traffic and make your site more visible.

 12. Create a Strong Content Offer

A content offer is when you ask a visitor to provide something in return for access to a valuable and appealing piece of content. Usually, you’ll find yourself asking for an email address or some form of contact information from the visitor. In return, the visitor can access the content they find helpful in some way, free of charge.

Most people will be happy to give you their email address if they can access great content without paying.

Building off the above point, webinar recordings can be gated and used as one of your robust content offerings. Consider other options like ebooks, reporting templates, and even industry reports.

13. Start Making Video Content for Your Website

Video content is taking over like never before, so it’d be a mistake not to make it a part of your overall inbound marketing strategy. People can absorb content quickly and easily via video content and are much more willing to do so.

There’s no effort involved for the viewer, and it feels like less hassle than reading a blog post when they’re busy. That’s why you should make engaging and exciting video content that your audience will love. The search engines will love it too!

14. Don’t Ignore the Importance of Reporting & Analysis

Reporting and analytics are both crucial when it comes to your inbound marketing strategy. You want to ensure that you fully understand what’s happening on your site and how visitors are using and engaging with it. If you can do that, you’ll find areas of weakness and be able to address them rapidly. There are so many analytics options, so find the ones that work best for you.

15. Your Inbound Marketing Strategy’s Spearhead: Search Engine Optimization

One way to define inbound marketing is the science of being found online. Therefore, for your brand to be found online, you’ll need to consider optimizing your organic presence. So if we need to answer what is SEO, it’s the process of getting organic traffic.

Don’t waste your budget to appear on Google’s search results page. Focus instead on optimizing your website and content to be search engine friendly and help your personas find you organically.

The Value of a Strong Inbound Marketing Strategy

It’s all about addressing the needs of your target audience with the content you produce. So now you completely understand what inbound marketing is all about and how to get it right.

All that’s left to do is consult an inbound marketing agency to implement it. Each of the 14 steps above is important, so base your inbound marketing strategy around the information above.

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