start using predictable revenue
Converting More Sales – 4 Steps to Predictable Revenue
Mariam Zaidan
May 30, 2022
Mariam is a Marketing Executive at Hovi Digital Lab. Her dream is to become an influencer in the Marketing world that others can come to for ideas, strategies, and food. Social, digital, cakes, and cookies, Mariam’s got you covered.

Selling is the holy grail of any business. A business cannot survive without revenue. Predicting how much you are going to sell can help reduce chaos and allow you to make more confident decisions. Lack of prediction equates to a lack of direction. It means we do not have a hold on where we are going, how we will get there, and what it takes to get there. 

This is why building predictable revenue is vital.

What is Predictable Revenue?

Predictable Revenue is a framework that was introduced by Aaron Ross in his book titled “Predictable Revenue”. It is a framework that aids in creating consistent growth based on a formula and excludes the need for last-minute hustling and guessing. Substitute that uncertainty with predicting how much revenue your business can consistently generate ahead of time. 

This gives you a greater sense of direction.

The shift from organic growth to proactive growth takes lots of time and effort to achieve. It requires new habits, systems, and practices. When revenue diminishes, many businesses will directly opt to hire more sales reps, make their existing sales reps work harder, or hire more experienced sales reps. However, other, more superior companies are the ones that believe that the key to revenue growth is to increase the demand for their products or services, and that can be achieved through a prospecting team that can predictably create a new lead for sales reps to close.

4 Steps to Apply Predictable Revenue.

Assign Different and Unique Roles

Salespeople handle three roles: prospecting, qualifying, and closing. Each one requires total dedication and a different skill set.

  • Sales Development Reps (SDRs) prospect cold and inactive companies who are not engaging with you. They do not close deals, but instead, they create new sales opportunities and then pass them down to be closed
  • Market Response Reps (MRRs) qualify incoming leads from the website, social media, or phone and then route that opportunity to the appropriate salesperson.
  • Account Executives (AEs) close the deals pushed by the previous roles. Also, they must continue to generate new business, but not through cold calls. Instead, they focus on higher potential sources, like a list of dead opportunities, current clients, and targeted businesses from which they can build new, or rebuild old, relationships.
  • Customer Success Managers (CSMs) dedicate their time to making customers happy. They handle ongoing client management and renewals.

Focus your sales reps on one function. Having to juggle the different roles of qualifying, closing, and upselling strains your reps and impacts the skill they excel at. Allow your qualifiers to qualify leads, and pass on potential wins to your closers to guarantee that win. Help them have more effective sales calls.

Get Rid of Cold Calling

It is ineffective to call random numbers that are not expecting your call in an attempt to sell them your product or service. Instead, send cold emails to prospects first to generate “warm” calls (Cold Calling 2.0). People are not fond of cold calling, and it is difficult to track the ROI of cold calls. In addition, traditional cold calling is obsolete. It often means starting a conversation with the wrong person. So instead, make sure you qualify the accounts you are calling.

Don’t pick up the phone and call random companies that do not care about you’re offering. Instead, find time to identify your Ideal Customer Profile. Customers who fall within that category are the most likely to purchase.

Here are some extra tips for leaving cold calling behind:

  • Focus on results, not activities. Your main aim should be towards generating conversions. How many calls/appointments take place per day is not essential. Instead, focus on how many qualification calls are made per week. How many qualified opportunities are being passed through the funnel per month? This will help you set more realistic goals in your pipeline.
  • It is a system. Cold Calling 2.0 requires consistency in training, equipping, and developing employees. Your employees need to know how “x effort” will lead to “y results.” Take time to continuously test out tools that can help improve your team’s productivity and lead predictability.

Set Up Your Sales Team & Get Them Started With “Warm” Calling.

Before you get your team started with warm calling, you must first ensure that your sales team is set up properly. Assure that at least one person in the organization is dedicating 100% of his time to prospecting. Also, you need a CRM on hand. Once all these fit into place, you can start with allocating your warm calling strategy.

  • Get a clear understanding of your Ideal Customer Profile. Understand who they are as a person, their pain points, challenges, deal-breakers, etc. A clear definition of your ICP gives you the upper hand, as it becomes much easier to find prospects through smart targeting and disqualifying poor prospects.
  • Build your list of ideal prospects. You can do that by building your list in-house or acquiring one from a 3rd party provider. The best practice is to make your own list using LinkedIn and freelancers, as it is much more scalable and cost-effective.
  • Run outbound email campaigns. Many companies depend on cold calling as the first step to prospecting; phone calls are vital, but they should be the second step. Start by emailing your prospects and if you receive a response, then call them.
  • Sell the dream. Once you are on call with the right executives, ensure you help them paint the vision of how your product or service will help them solve their problems.
  • Pass the lead down. SDRs should pass qualified leads down to the AE. Then the AE will make sure to re-qualify the opportunity. If the lead fits the company’s ICP and shows a clear interest in going forward, then the SDR can pass it over to the AE to further check if the opportunity was rightly qualified.

Find the Right Technology to Help You Scale Your Operations

Keep track of your prospecting process in the same way you keep track of your sales process to track the movement and progress of your sales pipeline. Which prospects have not been contacted yet, which ones are being nurtured, which ones are dead opportunities, which ones are a bad fit, who didn’t respond, who are all your current customers, and so on.


Predicting how much you will sell allows employees to reach that target. It also reduces chaos immensely. Outbound sales have evolved from a boring room-style cold calling operation to a targeted hunting process thanks to Predictable Revenue.

If you like how that sounds, reach out to the experts at Hovi to see how you can start using our transformative solution to book more meetings and win more deals today!

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