10 secrets to real estate marketing strategy
10 Tips To Real Estate Marketing
Rouba Ghanem
April 22, 2020

Love it or hate it, the Internet changes our perspective on nearly everything. Every word we speak, every action we take, every move we make, might have been influenced by some random thing online we don’t remember seeing.

For a business, this can be leveraged into exposure, attention, and profit. In the world of real estate marketing, the Internet offers boundless possibilities for the cunning realtor.

However, you probably would prefer to spend your time considering the relationship between mortgage prices and market growth. Sadly, the Internet has forced many to work three jobs no matter their profession.

We’ve all been forced to be our own social media and tech experts on top of everything else we do. To stay competitive, you have to avoid horrible mistakes with your real estate marketing, and you have to keep a toe in those waters. In that vein, consider these real estate marketing tips to tweak your current real estate marketing strategy.

Real Estate Marketing Tips

Each of thee following ideas alone impacts your overall marketing strategy. 

Fresh concepts and novel ideas shift how you approach your business and your customers.

Making too many large changes at once spooks clients. To use these tweaks effectively, its best to combine them into a coherent, seamless campaign. 

Look for a marketing team that offers comprehensive digital marketing services to roll out your campaign effectively.

1. Paid Ads

The essential test of any marketing is can it get clients to find you.

In today’s attention economy, social media and PPC (pay-per-click)campaigns get the best returns. 

A lot of the following tips will help you place higher and add more to social media content. While you wait for that to generate, get your digital footprint started with a PPC.

The beauty of a real estate PPC campaign is you only pay when people get through to your site.

2. Turn Your Website into a Sales Machine

When potential clients hit your site, they often come to browse. 

While a high number of views naturally turns into some number of sales, you need to take it a step further.

A website geared towards selling leverages interest into action. Don’t settle for just listing properties, include live chats and low-pressure (but visible) calls to action.

Offering multiple channels to connect with you and your agents through chats, callbacks, and email gets you on the pathway to sales.

3. Next Level Photography

Don’t settle for a quick, flat shot of a home. You take all the time to stage a listing for folks that walkthrough, but then post photos as if the house was on trial and this is its mug shot.

Sell the property by fixing up the photography. Play with aspects of light. Hire a well known local amateur or students. 

You bank on the publicity and add a sense of passion to the places you highlight.

4. Use Social Media to Target Expats

A particular niche market worth hitting is the expat community. These are affluent figures with knowledge and affinity for culture.

Create a social media channel for them to engage with each other and stay connected to their roots. This sense of belonging helps bring them in. 

Stay active within the social media you create for expats and they will generate leads via word of mouth. You may not bring them back, but you will get others interested in checking out your listings. 

Expats of one country tend to run into expats from other countries, making them a vital tether for marketing.

Read Our Real Estate Advertising Success Story You’ll Never Believe

5. Video Marketing

Artful photography is a low coast, and rapid loading, way to bring a property to life. To go the distance on showing a property remotely, you need video marketing. 

This includes creating videos of a property to create a virtual walkthrough of a property. You can also create full 3D mockups of a property to stage it.

Both of these tips bring a property to life for a viewer. Keep track of what videos get the most views and tailor other videos to match the pacing or room order.

6. Install a CRM System

Managing an office is hard enough, managing a digital office breaks some people. Don’t spend your time managing your marketing stats when software can do it for you. 

Working with a CRM like HubSpot (which we partner with) lets you keep track of customer interactions.

With a CRM you can track every contact, your visibility, and the impact of any aspect of your marketing. We have a proven real estate advertising ideas that turned the sales up to our clients by 35%.

Setting up interactive content such as chats or guided virtual tours is a snap with a CRM.

7. Feature a Blog

Hosting a blog on your website benefits you in multiple ways and is a real estate marketing tip that’s often overlooked.

First, it gives you a place to put up new, original content. Original content is key to gaining SEO rankings through key algorithms. 

Second, it lets you connect your business and staff to the community. Clients like to deal with people they know and trust. Showing who you are in the form of curated blog posts presents a friendly face to the public.

8. Use Property Listings

You don’t want to reach the people in your local area. You want to get your net wide and attract those who may be looking to move into your area and need an anchor into the community. 

Get listed with property portals such as OLX or Property Finder. These handy sites not only help you list to a wider base, but you can also scout out ideas on how other areas stage and display listings.

9. Engage in Experiential Marketing

Use a sample property as or mock-up to explain the sales process to a client. 

Not everyone has the same kind of time or knowledge when it comes to property. Offering an experiential element demonstrates key knowledge to buyers. 

Explaining how the process of a purchase completes demystifies it. This helps cut through confusion and apprehensions with cautious buyers.

10. Find Influencers

People like to listen to other people. People they feel a kinship and trust with.

Influencers are the best thing to come out of social media. They provide a slice of life and draw eyes in a way never before possible.

Working with influencers to promote your community and listings is like producing a show about your offerings. Over time, people tune in just to see what’s going on.

Go Digital

Take these 10 real estate marketing tips and elevate your marketing activity to the next level.

You know real estate and you know how to meet client needs. When it comes to real estate marketing you need only combine what you know with a team who can implement your design. 

Contact our real estate marketing agency to get started bringing your thoughts into reality.

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